Retreats at Wickenden Manor are directed by Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic Church. Opus Dei aims to help people of all walks of life to strive for holiness and to evangelise in a natural manner wherever they are, especially through their daily work.
What is a retreat?
A retreat is a time spent away from your ordinary occupations and in intimate dialog with God, during which you can reflect on how you live your faith in your everyday work, family life and relationships with others. The atmosphere of personal prayer and recollection which is maintained throughout helps you to consider all aspects of your life and identify the areas in which you can improve.
Why go on a retreat?
- To rest and spend time alone with God
- To recharge spiritually and recentre your life on God
- To get to know God more and fall in love with Him
- To get to know yourself better
- To slow down and reflect on where you are in life
- To sort out a crossroad or an apparent crisis in your life
- To listen: God may have something to tell you!
How is the retreat conducted?
It begins with an introductory talk. It covers basic housekeeping notices; provides tips on how to make the most of the retreat; gives an overview of the timetable and provides a chance to ask any questions you may have.
A timetable for the days of the retreat will be made available. All activities are optional – attend as much or as little as you wish. The timetable is to help you get the most out of your retreat.
In silence. Why a silent retreat? – it helps everyone to pray. God often speaks in a whisper and so we need to quieten down our inner world to hear Him – external silence facilitates this. During meals an audiobook is often played to help maintain our focus and recollection! Of course if you need anything, just ask!
Each day there are periods of guided prayer – these are called Meditations. They help us talk and listen to God. They take place in the chapel and led by the priest.
The meditations and talks cover the following themes:
- The meaning of our life and God’s designs for humanity
- Our life in the light of God’s Revelation
- God and individual freedom
- Jesus Christ, true God and true man
- The passion of Christ and the mystery of Redemption
- Eternal life
- Family and Christian life
- The vocations to marriage and celibacy
- Ordinary work and holiness
- Prayer and the sacraments in the life of the Christian
- The greatness of ordinary life
- The apostolate of the Christian
- Our Lady, model of sanctity
Daily Mass is central to the retreat and timetabled in every day to facilitate personal prayer and reflection. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are not Catholic, or are unable to receive Communion, you can always receive a blessing from the priest. You may also talk with the priest to obtain advice which is appropriate to your specific circumstances.
At some point every day, an Examination of Conscience will be read out. These questions may help you see where you could improve in your relationship with God and others; at home; in your family or in your social or professional life. The questions are food for personal prayer and reflection.
There is plenty of time for personal prayer on a retreat. A few devotions such as the Rosary, the Way of the Cross and Visit to the Blessed Sacrament are done together.
There is a talk each day to give practical ideas of how to live your Christian life on a daily basis. Topics could include: living your Faith at work and in your family life, how to help your friends, and how to improve as a person and grow closer to God.
Residential retreats begin at 8:30pm on the first day and end at 3:45pm on the last day.
Retreats for men
Dates 2025
- 13-16 February 2025
- 27 February-2 March 2025
- 20-23 March 2025 (this retreat is now full. Please check by email if there have been any cancellations before sending in a booking)
- 16-19 April 2025 (Holy Week) *
- 19-22 May 2025 *
- 23-26 May 2025 (Bank Holiday Weekend)
The retreats begin at 8.30 pm on the first day and end at 3.30 pm on the final day.
The fee for each retreat is £260, except for midweek retreats (marked *) for which the fee is £210. We request that this amount be paid by each participant even if he does not attend the full three days. It is the policy of Wickenden Manor that no-one should ever be discouraged from attending an activity because of difficulty in making payment. If you are unable to pay the full cost, feel free to let the retreat organiser know in advance, with a brief reason, indicating the amount you would be able to pay.
Optional contributions over and above the cost of the retreat for the upkeep of the Conference Centre may be made payable to Wickenden Manor and given to the retreat organiser or sent to the address shown below.
Other requirements
We are aware of possible allergies and these will be catered for as long as we know in advance.
You can download the application form by clicking below
Completed application forms should be sent electronically to wickenden.retreats@gmail.com once a deposit of £50 or the full amount has been transferred to:
Netherhall Educational Association
Sort Code: 40-05-20
Account: 01289381
or once payment has been made by credit card using the PayPal button below.
Alternatively you can post the completed application form with a cheque payable to WICKENDEN MANOR for the deposit or full amount to:
Wickenden Manor Retreats
4 Orme Court
W2 4RL
020 7243 9407
You should receive an acknowledgement within a couple of days.
Retreats for Women
Dates 2025
- March 2025 (25/03/2025 – 28/03/2025)
- April 2025 (10/04/2025 – 13/04/2025)
- May 2025 (02/05/2025 – 05/05/2025)
- June 2025 (02/06/2025 – 05/06/2025)
- June 2025 (12/06/2025 – 15/06/2025)
In 2025, 3-day retreats for women and for young professionals are £261, 2-day retreats for students are £95.
We request you to pay the full amount, even if you don’t stay for the full length of the activity. Nevertheless, it is the policy of Wickenden Manor that no-one should ever be discouraged from attending an activity because of difficulty in making payment. If you are unable to pay the full cost, feel free to let the retreat organiser know in advance, with a brief reason, indicating the amount you would be able to pay.
For queries you may email bookings.wickenden@gmail.com
Book now
Dates for 2025
7-9 February 2025
Other requirements
We are aware of possible allergies and these will be catered for as long as we know in advance.
Applications and enquiries should be sent to:
Netherhall House
Nutley Terrace
020 7435 8888
Dates in 2025
- 24-26 January 2025
- 21-23 February 2025
Other Requirements
We are aware of possible allergies and these will be catered for, as long as we know in advance.
For queries you may email bookings.wickenden@gmail.com
Book now
These retreats take place in the Lodge of Wickenden Manor.
Dates in 2025
14-16 February 2025
Applications and enquiries should be sent to:
159 Nightingale Lane
SW12 8NQ
020 8673 2242
Dates in 2025
31 January – 2 February 2025
This retreat is run by Hillcrest Girls Club. For queries you may write to hillcrestclubinfo@gmail.com or message one of the leaders at 07940 406300
Dates in 2025
31 March – 4 April 2025
The retreats begin at 5.00 pm on the first day and end at 2.00 pm on the final day.
The fee for each retreat is £350. We request that each participant pay this amount even if he does not attend the full retreat. Please bring an alb with you. Wickenden Manor’s policy is not to discourage anyone from attending an activity because of difficulty in paying. If you are unable to pay the full cost, feel free to let the retreat organiser know in advance, with a brief reason, indicating the amount you would be able to pay.
Optional contributions over and above the cost of the retreat for the upkeep of the Conference Centre are always very welcome and may be made payable to Wickenden Manor and given to the retreat organiser or sent to the address shown below.
Other requirements
The Conference Centre can cater for special dietary requirements, allergies etc, as long as we know in advance. Please inform us when you make your application.
Further information
Please fill in the application form below for the 2025 clergy retreats.
Bookings can be confirmed by making a deposit of £30
or by paying the full amount of £350.
The preferred payment method is a bank transfer. If that is not possible, an alternative is to send a cheque to:
Clergy Retreats,
8 Orme Court
London W2 4RL
Cheques should be made payable to the account named “1943”.
(The name of the account is the year in which the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross was founded.)
Full details of the account (for bank transfers etc) are:
Lloyds (Kilburn branch)
Sort code: 30-18-43
A/c no.: 00672856
A/c name: 1943
IBAN: GB03 LOYD 3018 4300 6728 56
Applications can also be made by writing to:
Clergy Retreats
8 Orme Court
London W2 4RL
or ringing: 020 7229 7574
or using the contact form below:
Details of monthly days of recollection in Wickenden Manor for secular clergy.
There are also monthly clergy days of recollection in London (Elmore, 8 Orme Court, W2 4RL).