Dates in 2025

31 March – 4 April 2025
17-21 November 2025

The retreats begin at 5.00 pm on the first day and end at 2.00 pm on the final day.


The fee for each retreat is £350. We request that each participant pay this amount even if he does not attend the full retreat. Please bring an alb with you. Wickenden Manor’s policy is not to discourage anyone from attending an activity because of difficulty in paying. If you are unable to pay the full cost, feel free to let the retreat organiser know in advance, with a brief reason, indicating the amount you would be able to pay.

Optional contributions over and above the cost of the retreat for the upkeep of the Conference Centre are always very welcome and may be made payable to Wickenden Manor and given to the retreat organiser or sent to the address shown below.

Other requirements

The Conference Centre can cater for special dietary requirements, allergies etc, as long as we know in advance. Please inform us when you make your application.

Further information

Please fill in the application form below for the 2025 clergy retreats. 

Name (required)
Email (required)
Phone no. (required)
Select retreat to book place on:

Bookings can be confirmed by making a deposit of £30
or by paying the full amount of £350.

The preferred payment method is a bank transfer. If that is not possible, an alternative is to send a cheque to:

Clergy Retreats,
8 Orme Court
London W2 4RL
Cheques should be made payable to the account named “1943”.

(The name of the account is the year in which the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross was founded.)

Full details of the account (for bank transfers etc) are:
Lloyds (Kilburn branch)
Sort code: 30-18-43
A/c no.: 00672856
A/c name: 1943
IBAN: GB03 LOYD 3018 4300 6728 56

Applications can also be made by writing to:

Clergy Retreats
8 Orme Court
London W2 4RL

or ringing: 020 7229 7574

or using the contact form below:

Email*: Phone:

Details of monthly days of recollection in Wickenden Manor for secular clergy.

There are also monthly clergy days of recollection in London (Elmore, 8 Orme Court,  W2 4RL).