There are separate pages for retreats for young men (aged 18-25) and for retreats for women.

Dates 2024

15-18 February 2024
29 February-3 March 2024
18-21 March 2024 *
21-24 March 2024
27-30 March 2024 (Holy Week) *
18-21 April 2024
6-9 May 2024 *
24-27 May 2024 (Bank Holiday Weekend)
6-9 June 2024
20-23 June 2024
14-17 November 2024 – This retreat is now full. Please check (see email address below) if there are vacancies before applying and sending a remittance.

The retreats begin at 8.30 pm on the first day and end at 3.30 pm on the final day.


The fee for each retreat is £250, except for midweek retreats (marked *) for which the fee is £200. We request that this amount be paid by each participant even if he does not attend the full three days. It is the policy of Wickenden Manor that no-one should ever be discouraged from attending an activity because of difficulty in making payment. If you are unable to pay the full cost, feel free to let the retreat organiser know in advance, with a brief reason, indicating the amount you would be able to pay.

Optional contributions over and above the cost of the retreat for the upkeep of the Conference Centre may be made payable to Wickenden Manor and given to the retreat organiser or sent to the address shown below.

Other requirements

We are aware of possible allergies and these will be catered for as long as we know in advance.


You can download the application form by clicking below

Completed application forms should be sent electronically to once a deposit of £50 or the full amount has been transferred to:

Netherhall Educational Association
Sort Code: 40-05-20
Account: 01289381

or once payment has been made by credit card using the PayPal button below.

Alternatively you can post the completed application form with a cheque payable to WICKENDEN MANOR for the deposit or full amount to:

Wickenden Manor Retreats
4 Orme Court
W2 4RL
020 7243 9407

You should receive an aknowledgement within a couple of days.